Friday, June 29, 2012

best. ever.

to celebrate the wonderful dado & soon to be husband of mine for dado's day (as mentioned) I rented a cottage in the woods on the ocean in the most eastern point in maine.   I've never experienced anything like it.  it was magnificent, beautiful, warm, cozy, relaxing and it instantly felt like home. 
the drive was long, but fun.  it was warm in the car with three people, 2 dogs and a bird.  solon & ferg are typically cold while the rest of us are warm.  windows down all the way were not an option do to a little birdie in the car.  the a/c button was pushed numerous times, typically on by dado and off by mama.  we're all anxious to arrive in perry and see our secluded cottage and put our feet up.  having a child at the tender age of 3 where attention and patience don't meet, my chicken was a fantastic passenger.  he counted his fingers, recited the alphabet, read to himself & snacked - love love that little boy of mine. 
we passed interesting sites, but chose to keep them in our minds (to eager to get to PERRY), however beside the typical 'rest stop - pee stop' sessions we did stop at this wonderful little coffee cabin.  a wooden cabin with a wood fire and a gent who roasts his own coffee on the premises.  the smell was earthy and of course off yummy coffee.  the cabin had it's own critters too, a luna moth and numerous other species.  shane with his wild bird sparked a lot of interest with the other customers.  how often do you see a man drinking a coffee with a bird on his shoulder?  we had our coffee, let the pups stretch and the child too then away went. 
the destination was close and not knowing exactly the grocery store situation we stopped at the next one we saw.  so close, so close....  another 30 minutes or so and we're driving down the dirt road to a little piece of heaven.  we head to the office to check in.  I hand the man - Dick a check for another night - if I had only known how awesome it would be I would have handed my whole check book to him.  Dick was awesome, after shane and he chatted they realized they had friends in common - such a small world.  he handed me the key, jumped into his golf cart and led the way. 
oh. my. word. wow.  when we arrived I was blown away.  it was a trillion times better than the pictures.  once Dick had left, we took a tour of 'our new house'.  I was outside when I heard shane cheering from inside blown to pieces by this lovely little treasure I found.  I love making him smile - cheers to you - my favorite person - the apple of my eye - my mate - I love you to the moon.  and thank you for solon.  watching him with you makes me melt.
best.  ever. 

 we set seeka free

Monday, June 11, 2012

happy here

I am so looking forward to this weekend for these reasons :
1. father's day - celebrating the foxy bearded man of mine who is the best father any child could have. 
2. a cabin overlooking the bay of fundy.
3. bonfires.
4. hiking.
5. bbq.
6. 3 extra days to our weekend - a mini vacation.
I've had this trip planned for months now.  I have spilled the beans, shane knows all about the trip, the only surprise will be how stinking perfect this cabin is.  I'm pretty sure neither of us will want to come home.  I reserved the cabin for 2 nights and last night we decided to add another.  we need this family getaway, a change of scenery, no itinerary, no chores.  the sube will be packed friday, saturday am we'll (dado, mama, solon, both dogs & the bird) take our seats and enjoy the drive to perry, maine. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

pinterest inspiration - home

in the meantime of house limbo I'll drool over these images.

wall coloring pages

long & low windows

kiddo reading nook

love. it. all. 



Friday, June 1, 2012

gentlemen of the road

woot - woot!!  we're going to see mumford & sons and 6 other bands!!  bubbling with excitment!!  tickets went on sale today at 10 o'clock, I had my alarm set on my phone and a note on my computer, I was literally shaking while purchasing our tickets.  sweet relief, I got them!