Friday, August 10, 2012

dreaming of food. itching to make a pie.

I'm not a very good baker.  I'm not even a very good cook.  If I do cook - the husband is the chef and a very, very decent one too. he can make up recipes which boggles my mind.  last night he whipped up a pizza with pear, chèvre, leeks, potato & pancetta with garlicky olive oil.  very delicious - I'm pretty excited to munch on my slice at lunch today. 
so, if I do decide to cook I tend to gravitate to a more complex recipe, sunday dinner style.  spending hours in the kitchen, chopping, tossing, turning & smelling with good music in the background is my idea of cooking.  with fall approaching, you may find me back in the kitchen on sundays. 
thank you love for cooking for us & making yummy dishes. xo
if it rains saturday, I think I might make a pie.  warm pie, flaky crust and melting ice cream on top sounds fantastic. 

delicious photos via:

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